North America Proxy
Huge Pool of North American Proxies
With our vast pool of 100,000 IP addresses, you’ll always be able to find the fastest and most anonymous proxy for your needs. We have everything: From proxies in the US and Canada to proxies in Mexico! Our fast connections ensure maximum anonymity, so we’re a great choice if you want to stay safe online and appear as a user from:
Residential proxy with IP addresses of real people
Residential proxy with IP addresses of real people
We offer a selection of residential proxies that are designed for your safety and peace of mind. Because these IP addresses come from real people living in North America, you can be confident about the anonymity it will provide you with while using them!
With our strict no-bot policy, we ensure that you’re getting the best possible service. In addition to regular monitoring and maintenance on all of your proxies from Infatica’s network servers (and constant updates), there is a team dedicated just for handling customer support so they can help answer any questions or concerns before it becomes an issue!
Visit any North American Website without being Blocked
With our North America proxies, you can bypass any website restrictions and visit whatever site of your choosing. We offer fast connections so that browsing is always smooth even with many visitors on the same page!
Whether you want to do market research, scrape data from North American websites, or simply stay anonymous online our proxies will get the job done.
How Proxies Work
North America Proxies
Private vs. Free Proxy List
Reading about the benefits that proxies offer, keep in mind that they don’t apply to free proxies. While it’s tempting to use them to save some money, their downsides are significant – and we should help you make an education decision between free and paid options.
The main disadvantage of free proxies is poor performance: the network is unable to vet its clients and filter their activity, resulting in thousands of users overloading the network. While most of these users utilize the proxy with good intentions, some of them use it to send spam or perform DDoS attacks. Because of this, anti-bot systems (e.g. Cloudflare) find it easier to simply ban all IP addresses related to free proxy networks.
More importantly, some free proxies pose significant security risks: To monetize their product, free proxy providers may collect their users’ data without their consent – and even inject malicious code to steal their users’ sensitive information like passwords and credit card details.
Infatica is an ethical proxy provider, which means that using our proxies is safe. We source its IP addresses thanks to consenting residents from various countries all across the globe, guaranteeing our proxies’ quality.
Why you should choose Infatica North America Proxies
Use Cases of North America Web Proxies
What Customers Say about us
“Excellent service and customer care! For the first time, I bought a proxy on Infatica last year. I immediately bribed the responsiveness of the support, they helped me choose the tariff I needed for my purposes, and they actively answered all the questions later. There are no complaints about the proxies themselves; everything suits me)”
We’re offering a set of pricing plans with varying parameters including available traffic, IP address count, and other features – or you can use our flexible pricing option to fine-tune the parameters yourself. Choose the plan that fits your project’s needs best:
Each plan includes 15 millions + IPs
- 1000 ports for one Proxy List
- Up to 20 Proxy Lists at a time
- 99,9% uptime
- Using via API Tool
- Auth: Login-pswd / IP Whitelist
- Country/City/ISP-level targeting
- Rotation time selection
- SOCKS/HTTP protocols
- Custom price
- Unlimited proxylists
- 24/7 priority support
- Custom price
- Unlimited proxylists
- 24/7 priority support
Try Infatica proxies today!
Other Countries
Location-based data collection is vital for targeting local markets: it allows you to make informed decisions, monitor your competitors, and build better products. Infatica’s residential proxies have powerful geo-targeting capabilities, providing tens of thousands of IPs across the Americas, Europe, and Asia for accessing any public web data.
Frequently Asked Questions
There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the safest proxy will vary depending on your specific needs and security requirements. However, some of the most common factors that can affect the safety of a proxy include:
- 1. The level of security offered by the proxy server,
- 2. The location of the proxy server (and thus, its jurisdiction),
- 3. The logging policies of the proxy server, and
- 4. The reputation of the proxy provider.
There are a few ways to use a proxy in another country. One way is to use a proxy server, which is a special kind of server that acts as an intermediary between your computer and the websites you visit. By using a proxy server, you can hide your IP address and make it appear as if you're browsing from another location.
A proxy is an address that acts as an intermediate between a device and the internet. It allows you to connect to the internet through another server, which can be located in a different country. This way, your IP address will appear as if it’s from the location of the proxy server, rather than your actual location.
Proxies are often used for online anonymity and security. By hiding your real IP address, a proxy can make it more difficult for people to track your online activities. Additionally, proxies can help to protect your data and privacy by encrypting your internet traffic.
So, in short, a proxy is not the same as an IP address.