Norway Proxy
Huge Pool of Norwegian Proxies
Dive into a vast pool of over 100,000 Norway IP addresses with Infatica. Our extensive network ensures unrestricted access to Norwegian websites and the broader internet. Whether you’re looking for private, residential, or web proxies, our diverse options cater to your specific needs.
Residential Norway Proxies with IP Addresses of Real People
Residential Norway Proxies with IP Addresses of Real People
Experience enhanced privacy and security with Infatica’s Norway residential proxies. Our proxies provide real local IP addresses, offering ethical use and safeguarding against identity theft and spam. Join us in promoting a secure online environment with proxies that prioritize authenticity.
Visit any Norwegian Website without being Blocked

Tired of geo-restrictions limiting your online experience? Infatica’s Norway proxies break down these barriers, allowing you to visit any Norwegian website without being blocked. Explore the internet freely, from shopping sites to informative platforms, with our reliable and efficient Norway proxy service.
How Norwegian Proxies Work
Norwegian Proxies
Free vs. Private Proxy List
Choosing the right proxy matters. Infatica ethically sources real residential IP addresses, providing a quality and reliable private Norway proxy service. Say goodbye to the limitations of free proxies and embrace the enhanced performance and security of our premium offerings.
Why You Should Choose Infatica Norway Proxy Servers
Privacy & Anonymity
Lightning Fast
Flexible Scalability
Effortless CAPTCHA Bypass
Use Cases Of Norway Web Proxies
Uptime and Performance Tracking
Search Engine Optimization
Brand Protection
Data Collection
Academic research
Sneaker shopping
E-Commerce scraping
What Customers Say about us
“Excellent service and customer care! For the first time, I bought a proxy on Infatica last year. I immediately bribed the responsiveness of the support, they helped me choose the tariff I needed for my purposes, and they actively answered all the questions later. There are no complaints about the proxies themselves; everything suits me)”
- Custom price
- Unlimited proxylists
- 24/7 priority support
- Custom price
- Unlimited proxylists
- 24/7 priority support
- Worldwide Geo
- 99,9% uptime
- Auth: Login-pswd/IP Whitelist
- Rotation time selection
- 0,4 response time
- 100% ethically-sourced proxies
- Country/City/ZIP
Try Infatica Norwegian Proxies Today!
Other Countries
Infatica’s proxy services extend beyond Norway, providing tens of thousands of IPs across the world. Access public web data internationally with our residential proxies available in the Americas, Europe, and Asia. Experience the global reach of Infatica’s proxy network.
Frequently Asked Questions
A Norway proxy is a server located in Norway with a distinct IP address. Functioning as an intermediary between your device and the internet, it allows access to Norwegian-exclusive websites. By utilizing this proxy, your actual IP address remains concealed, enhancing privacy and facilitating unrestricted access to online content within Norway.
Utilizing our Norway proxy is straightforward. Simply configure your device or application settings to leverage the Norway proxy server provided by Infatica. We offer clear setup instructions for seamless integration into your online activities.
Certainly! Infatica's Norway proxies are ideal for web scraping. Enjoy fast proxies with customizable rotation options, allowing you to tailor the frequency of IP address changes to meet your specific web scraping needs.
No, our proxies provide a layer of anonymity. When using our Norway proxies, your real IP address is concealed, making it challenging to trace your online activities back to your device.
Yes, residential proxies are legal in Norway. Infatica prioritizes the legal and ethical use of its proxy services, ensuring that our residential proxies adhere to all relevant regulations.
Avoid relying on free Norway proxies. Invest in affordable proxies with residential IPs for a more secure and reliable online experience. Free services may pose risks related to reliability, privacy, and protection against online threats. Opting for quality proxies ensures a safer and more efficient internet browsing experience in Norway.
Certainly! Infatica offers the flexibility to customize the rotation frequency of Norway IPs according to your preferences. This feature ensures that the IP addresses change at a frequency that aligns precisely with your requirements.
Absolutely! Infatica's Norway proxies are well-suited for projects of all scales. With a robust pool of real residential proxies, our service accommodates the needs of both small and large-scale projects. Fast proxies and customizable options ensure effective data collection at any project size.
Yes, we provide the flexibility to choose between sticky and rotating IPs for Norway within our proxy service. Whether you require the stability of a sticky IP or the dynamism of rotating IPs, our solutions cater to your preferences.
You can expect to receive your Norway proxies promptly within 24 hours from Infatica. This quick turnaround ensures a seamless integration process, allowing you to efficiently utilize the proxies for your online activities. Opt for Infatica for a straightforward and timely acquisition of your Norway proxies.