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Resseler API

Create new package


  • Method: POST
  • Summary: Create new package
  • Parameters in header: "api-key" (User-reseller's API key) required;
  • Parameters in body:
    • "expired_at" (Date and time the package ended. Format: 2021-01-01 23:59:59) no required;
    • "limit_traffic_common" (Common limit of the traffic in bytes) no required;
    • "limit_traffic_monthly" (Monhtly limit of the traffic in bytes) no required;
    • "limit_traffic_weekly" (Weekly limit of the traffic in bytes) no required;
    • "limit_traffic_daily" (Daily limit of the traffic in bytes) no required;
  • Responses:
    • "200": description: "Package successfully created"
    • "400": description: "Invalid parameters"
    • "403": description: "Empty or wrong api_key header or wrong package key"

Update package


  • Method: POST
  • Summary: Update package
  • Parameters in header: "api-key" (User-reseller's API key) required;
  • Parameters in path: "packagekey" (Key of the package) required;
  • Parameters in body:
    • "limit_traffic_common" (Common limit of the traffic in bytes) no required;
    • "limit_traffic_monthly" (Monhtly limit of the traffic in bytes) no required;
    • "limit_traffic_weekly" (Weekly limit of the traffic in bytes) no required;
    • "limit_traffic_daily" (Daily limit of the traffic in bytes) no required;
  • Responses:
    • "200": description: "Package successfully updated"
    • "400": description: "Invalid parameters"
    • "403": description: "Empty or wrong api_key header or wrong package key"

Get package information


  • Method: GET
  • Summary: Get package information
  • Parameters in header: "api-key" (User-reseller's API key) required;
  • Parameters in path: "packagekey" (Key of the package) required;
  • Responses:
    • "200": description: "Package found"
    • "403": description: "Empty or wrong api_key header or wrong package key"

Get all packages information


  • Method: GET
  • Summary: Get all packages information
  • Parameters in header: "api-key" (User-reseller's API key) required;
  • Responses:
    • "200": description: "Packages found"
    • "403": description: "Empty or wrong api_key header or wrong package key"

Get filtered packages information


  • Method: POST
  • Summary: Get filtered packages information
  • Parameters in header: "api-key" (User-reseller's API key) required;
  • Parameters in body: "packages" (Comma separated string of keys) no required;
  • Responses:
    • "200": description: "Packages found"
    • "403": description: "Empty or wrong api_key header or wrong package key"

Prolongate package


  • Method: POST
  • Summary: Prolongate package
  • Parameters in header: "api-key" (User-reseller's API key) required;
  • Parameters in path: "packagekey" (Key of the package) required;
  • Parameters in body: "expired_at" (Date and time the package ended. Format: 2021-01-01 23:59:59) required;
  • Responses:
    • "200": description: "Package prolongated"
    • "422": description: "Error executing request statement"
    • "403": description: "Empty or wrong api_key header or wrong package key"

Suspend package


  • Method: POST
  • Summary: Suspend package
  • Parameters in header: "api-key" (User-reseller's API key) required;
  • Parameters in path: "packagekey" (Key of the package) required;
  • Responses:
    • "200": description: "Package suspended"
    • "403": description: "Empty or wrong api_key header or wrong package key"

Resume package


  • Method: POST
  • Summary: Resume package
  • Parameters in header: "api-key" (User-reseller's API key) required;
  • Parameters in path: "packagekey" (Key of the package) required;
  • Parameters in body (only for DEACTIVATED packages):
    • "expired_at" (Date and time the package ended. Format: 2021-01-01 23:59:59) required;
    • "limit_traffic_common" (Common limit of the traffic in bytes) no required;
    • "limit_traffic_monthly" (Monhtly limit of the traffic in bytes) no required;
    • "limit_traffic_weekly" (Weekly limit of the traffic in bytes) no required;
    • "limit_traffic_daily" (Daily limit of the traffic in bytes) no required;
  • Responses:
    • "200": description: "Package resumed"
    • "403": description: "Empty or wrong api_key header or wrong package key"

Deactivate package


  • Method: POST
  • Summary: Deactivate package
  • Parameters in header: "api-key" (User-reseller's API key) required;
  • Parameters in path: "packagekey" (Key of the package) required;
  • Responses:
    • "200": description: "Package deactivated"
    • "403": description: "Empty or wrong api_key header or wrong package key"

Usage for all packages


  • Method: POST/GET
  • Summary: Usage for all packages
  • Parameters in header: "api-key" (User-reseller's API key) required;
  • Responses:
    • "200": description: "Traffic data found"
    • "403": description: "Empty or wrong api_key header"

Usage for package


  • Method: GET
  • Summary: Usage for package
  • Parameters in header: "api-key" (User-reseller's API key) required;
  • Parameters in path: "packagekey" (Key of the package) required;
  • Responses:
    • "200": description: "Traffic data found"
    • "403": description: "Empty or wrong api_key header or wrong package key"

List countries for proxylist


  • Method: POST/GET
  • Summary: List countries for proxylist
  • Parameters in header: "api-key" (User-reseller's API key) required;
  • Responses:
    • "200": array of countries
    • "403": description: "Empty or wrong api_key header"

List regions by country for proxylist


  • Method: POST/GET
  • Summary: List regions by country for proxylist
  • Parameters in header: "api-key" (User-reseller's API key) required;
  • Parameters in path: "country_iso_code" (Country ISO code) required;
  • Responses:
    • "200": array of regions
    • "403": description: "Empty or wrong api_key header"

List cities by country and region for proxylist


  • Method: POST/GET
  • Summary: List cities by country and region for proxylist
  • Parameters in header: "api-key" (User-reseller's API key) required;
  • Parameters in path:
    • "country_iso_code" (Country ISO code) required;
    • "region_name" (Name of the region) required;
  • Responses:
    • "200": array of cities
    • "403": description: "Empty or wrong api_key header"

List ISPs by country, region and city for proxylist


  • Method: POST/GET
  • Summary: List ISPs by country, region and city for proxylist
  • Parameters in header: "api-key" (User-reseller's API key) required;
  • Parameters in path:
    • "country_iso_code" (Country ISO code) required;
    • "region_name" (Name of the region) required;
    • "city_name" (Name of the city) required;
  • Responses:
    • "200": array of ISPs
    • "403": description: "Empty or wrong api_key header"

All DB for geolocations


  • Method: GET
  • Summary: All DB for geolocations
  • Parameters in header: "api-key" (User-reseller's API key) required;
  • Responses:
    • "200": JSON-data of database
    • "403": description: "Empty or wrong api_key header"

List formats for proxylist


  • Method: POST/GET
  • Summary: List formats for proxylist
  • Parameters in header: "api-key" (User-reseller's API key) required;
  • Responses:
    • "200": array of formats
    • "403": description: "Empty or wrong api_key header"

Generate proxylist for package


  • Method: POST

  • Summary: Generate proxylist for package

  • Parameters in header: "api-key" (User-reseller's API key) required;

  • Parameters in path: "packagekey" (Key of the package) required;

  • Parameters in body:

    • "proxy-list-name" (Name for proxy list) required;
    • "proxy-list-login" (Login for proxy list) required;
    • "proxy-list-country" (String country ISO code or array of country ISO codes for proxy list) not required;
    • "proxy-list-region" (Name of the region for proxy list. The parameter will be used only if proxy-list-country set like a string, not an array) not required;
    • "proxy-list-city" (Name of the city for proxy list. The parameter will be used only if proxy-list-country set like a string, not an array) not required;
    • "proxy-list-isp" (Name of the ISP for proxy list. The parameter will be used only if proxy-list-country set like a string, not an array) not required;
    • "proxy-list-rotation-period" (Rotation period for proxy list in second / Default 3600) not required;
    • "proxy-list-format" (Format for proxy list output) not required;
    • "proxy-list-network" (IP, subnet, or list separated by comma) not required;
  • Responses:

    • "200": description: "List successfully generated"
    • "400": description: "Empty or wrong api_key header or wrong package key"
    • "422": description: "Error executing request statement"

Generate nolist api-tool for package


  • Method: POST

  • Summary: Generate nolist api-tool for package

  • Parameters in header: "api-key" (User-reseller's API key) required;

  • Parameters in path: "packagekey" (Key of the package) required;

  • Parameters in body:

    • "proxy-list-name" (Name for proxy list) required;
    • "proxy-list-login" (Login for proxy list) required;
  • Responses:

    • "200": description: "List successfully generated"
    • "400": description: "Empty or wrong api_key header or wrong package key"
    • "422": description: "Error executing request statement"

All proxylists for the package


  • Method: POST/GET
  • Summary: All proxylists for the package
  • Parameters in header: "api-key" (User-reseller's API key) required;
  • Parameters in path: "packagekey" (Key of the package) required;
  • Responses:
    • "200": description: "Lists found"
    • "403": description: "Empty or wrong api_key header or wrong package key"

Show all proxies in proxylist for package


  • Method: POST
  • Summary: Show all proxies in proxylist for package
  • Parameters in header: "api-key" (User-reseller's API key) required;
  • Parameters in path: "packagekey" (Key of the package) required;
  • Parameters in body:
    • "id" (ID of proxy list) required;
    • "name" (Name of proxy list) required;
  • Responses:
    • "200": array of proxies in list
    • "403": description: "Empty or wrong api_key header or wrong package key"
    • "422": description: "Error executing request statement"

Remove proxylist for package


  • Method: POST
  • Summary: Remove proxylist for package
  • Parameters in header: "api-key" (User-reseller's API key) required;
  • Parameters in path: "packagekey" (Key of the package) required;
  • Parameters in body:
    • "id" (ID of proxy list) required;
    • "name" (Name of proxy list) required;
  • Responses:
    • "200": description: "List successfully removed"
    • "403": description: "Empty or wrong api_key header or wrong package key"
    • "422": description: "Error executing request statement"