Reseller API
Get Statistics
- Method:
- Summary:
Get Statistics
- Parameters in header:
- (User-reseller's API key), required;
- Responses:
- The request will return the last invoice date, the total/used/left traffic
Example of success response:
"last_invoice_at": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss",
"traffic_total": 2199023255552,
"traffic_used": "69802101",
"traffic_left": 2198953453451
Get online statistics (Residential)
- Method:
- Summary:
Get online of available proxies by country
- Parameters in header:
- (User-reseller's API key), required;
- Responses:
- The request will return the statistics of available Residential proxies by countries
Example of success response:
Get online statistics (Mobile)
- Method:
- Summary:
Get online of available proxies by country
- Parameters in header:
- (User-reseller's API key), required;
- Responses:
- The request will return the statistics of available Mobile proxies by countries
Example of success response:
Get a detailed list of all geos (Residential)
Returns a detailed list of all geos with ASNs codes.
- Method:
- Summary:
Get a detailed list of all geos with ASNs codes
- Parameters in header:
- (User-reseller's API key), required;
- Responses:
- The request returns the detailed list of all geos with ASNs codes for Residential proxies.
Example of success response:
"country": "RU",
"subdivision": "Khanty-Mansia",
"city": "Nefteyugansk",
"isp": "Elektronnyj Yugansk",
"asn": 59559,
"nodes": 50
Get list of all available keys
- Method:
- Summary:
Get list of all available keys for all packages
- Parameters in header:
- (User-reseller's API key), required;
- Responses:
- The query will return a list of all available keys for all packages
Example of success response:
{"description":"Keys found","results":["key_1","key_2","key_3","key_4","key_6","key_N"]}
Get subdivision codes
- Method:
- Summary:
Get subdivision codes
- Parameters in header:
- (User-reseller's API key), required;
- Responses:
- The request will return list of all available subdivision codes
Get traffic usage of the package
- Method:
- Summary:
Get traffic consumption of the package
- Parameters in header:
- (User-reseller's API key), required;
- Parameters in body:
- package key, required;"period"
- period (daily
), required;
- Responses:
- The request will return detailed information on traffic usage for the selected package for the selected period (
- 24 hours,weekly
- 7 days,monthly
- 3 months,all
- for three periods(daily
) )
- The request will return detailed information on traffic usage for the selected package for the selected period (
Example of success response (weekly):
"login_name_1": {
"2024-04-03 03:00:00": 14661077,
"2024-04-03 04:00:00": 17455068
"login_name_2": {
"2024-04-03 03:00:00": 25661077,
"2024-04-03 04:00:00": 49455068
"login_name_N": {
"2024-04-03 03:00:00": 38661077,
"2024-04-03 04:00:00": 15455068
Create new package
The package is created in a queue order. Depending on the system load, the creation time of a new package may take from 2 seconds to one minute. There is a webhook available for precise notifications when the package is created.
- Method:
- Summary:
Create new package
- Parameters in header:
- (User-reseller's API key), required;
- Parameters in body:
- (Date and time the package ended. Format: 2021-01-01 23:59:59), no required;"limit_traffic_common"
- (Common limit of the traffic in bytes), no required;"limit_traffic_monthly"
- (Monhtly limit of the traffic in bytes) no required;"limit_traffic_weekly"
- (Weekly limit of the traffic in bytes), no required;"limit_traffic_daily"
- (Daily limit of the traffic in bytes), no required;
- Responses:
"200": description: "Package successfully created"
"400": description: "Invalid parameters"
"403": description: "Empty or wrong api_key header or wrong package key"
Update package{packagekey}
- Method:
- Summary:
Update package
- Parameters in header:
- (User-reseller's API key), required;
- Parameters in path:
- (Key of the package), required;
- Parameters in body:
- (Common limit of the traffic in bytes), no required;"limit_traffic_monthly"
- (Monhtly limit of the traffic in bytes), no required;"limit_traffic_weekly"
- (Weekly limit of the traffic in bytes), no required;"limit_traffic_daily"
- (Daily limit of the traffic in bytes), no required;
- Responses:
"200": description: "Package successfully updated"
"400": description: "Invalid parameters"
"403": description: "Empty or wrong api_key header or wrong package key"
Get package information{packagekey}
- Method:
- Summary:
Get package information
- Parameters in header:
- (User-reseller's API key), required;
- Parameters in path:
- (Key of the package), required;
- Responses:
"200": description: "Package found"
"403": description: "Empty or wrong api_key header or wrong package key"
Get all packages information
- Method:
- Summary:
Get all packages information
- Parameters in header:
- (User-reseller's API key), required;
- Responses:
"200": description: "Packages found"
"403": description: "Empty or wrong api_key header or wrong package key"
Get filtered packages information
- Method:
- Summary:
Get filtered packages information
- Parameters in header:
- (User-reseller's API key), required;
- Parameters in body:
- (Comma separated string of keys), no required;
- Responses:
"200": description: "Packages found"
"403": description: "Empty or wrong api_key header or wrong package key"
Prolongate package{packagekey}/prolongate
- Method:
- Summary:
Prolongate package
- Parameters in header:
- (User-reseller's API key), required;
- Parameters in path:
- (Key of the package), required;
- Parameters in body:
- (Date and time the package ended. Format: 2021-01-01 23:59:59), required; - Responses:
"200": description: "Package prolongated"
"422": description: "Error executing request statement"
"403": description: "Empty or wrong api_key header or wrong package key"
Suspend package{packagekey}/suspend
- Method:
- Summary:
Suspend package
- Parameters in header:
- (User-reseller's API key), required;
- Parameters in path:
- (Key of the package), required;
- Responses:
"200": description: "Package suspended"
"403": description: "Empty or wrong api_key header or wrong package key"
Resume package{packagekey}/resume
- Method:
- Summary:
Resume package
- Parameters in header:
- (User-reseller's API key), required;
- Parameters in path:
- (Key of the package), required;
- Parameters in body (only for DEACTIVATED packages):
- (Date and time the package ended. Format: 2021-01-01 23:59:59), required;"limit_traffic_common"
- (Common limit of the traffic in bytes), no required;"limit_traffic_monthly"
- (Monhtly limit of the traffic in bytes), no required;"limit_traffic_weekly"
- (Weekly limit of the traffic in bytes), no required;"limit_traffic_daily"
- (Daily limit of the traffic in bytes), no required;
- Responses:
"200": description: "Package resumed"
"403": description: "Empty or wrong api_key header or wrong package key"
Deactivate package{packagekey}/deactivate
- Method:
- Summary:
Deactivate package
- Parameters in header:
- (User-reseller's API key), required;
- Parameters in path:
- (Key of the package), required;
- Responses:
"200": description: "Package deactivated"
"403": description: "Empty or wrong api_key header or wrong package key"
Usage for all packages
- Method:
- Summary:
Usage for all packages
- Parameters in header:
- (User-reseller's API key), required;
- Responses:
"200": description: "Traffic data found"
"403": description: "Empty or wrong api_key header"
Usage for package{packagekey}/usage
- Method:
- Summary:
Usage for package
- Parameters in header:
- (User-reseller's API key), required;
- Parameters in path:
- (Key of the package), required;
- Responses:
"200": description: "Traffic data found"
"403": description: "Empty or wrong api_key header or wrong package key"
List countries for proxylist
- Method:
- Summary:
List countries for proxylist
- Parameters in header:
- (User-reseller's API key), required;
- Responses:
"200": array of countries
"403": description: "Empty or wrong api_key header"
List regions by country for proxylist{country_iso_code}
- Method:
- Summary:
List regions by country for proxylist
- Parameters in header:
- (User-reseller's API key), required;
- Parameters in path:
(Country ISO code), required;
- Responses:
"200": array of regions
"403": description: "Empty or wrong api_key header"
List cities by country and region for proxylist{country_iso_code}/{region_name}
- Method:
- Summary:
List cities by country and region for proxylist
- Parameters in header:
- (User-reseller's API key), required;
- Parameters in path:
- (Country ISO code), required;"region_name"
- (Name of the region), required;
- Responses:
"200": array of cities
"403": description: "Empty or wrong api_key header"
List ISPs by country, region and city for proxylist{country_iso_code}/{region_name}/{city_name}
- Method:
- Summary:
List ISPs by country, region and city for proxylist
- Parameters in header:
- (User-reseller's API key), required;
- Parameters in path:
- (Country ISO code), required;"region_name"
- (Name of the region), required;"city_name"
- (Name of the city), required;
- Responses:
"200": array of ISPs
"403": description: "Empty or wrong api_key header"
All DB for geolocations
- Method:
- Summary:
All DB for geolocations
- Parameters in header:
- (User-reseller's API key), required;
- Responses:
"200": JSON-data of database
"403": description: "Empty or wrong api_key header"
List formats for proxylist
- Method:
- Summary:
List formats for proxylist
- Parameters in header:
- (User-reseller's API key), required;
- Responses:
"200": array of formats
"403": description: "Empty or wrong api_key header"
Generate proxylist for package{packagekey}/generate
Generate proxylist for package
Parameters in header:
- (User-reseller's API key), required;
Parameters in path:
- (Key of the package), required;
Parameters in body:
- (Name for proxy list), required;"proxy-list-login"
- (Login for proxy list), required;"proxy-list-country"
- (String country ISO code or array of country ISO codes for proxy list), not required;"proxy-list-region"
- (Name of the region for proxy list. The parameter will be used only if proxy-list-country set like a string, not an array), not required;"proxy-list-city"
- (Name of the city for proxy list. The parameter will be used only if proxy-list-country set like a string, not an array), not required;"proxy-list-isp"
- (Name of the ISP for proxy list. The parameter will be used only if proxy-list-country set like a string, not an array), not required;"proxy-list-zip"
- (ZIP code for proxy list. The parameter will be used only if proxy-list-country set like a string, not an array), not required;"proxy-list-rotation-period"
- (Rotation period for proxy list in second / Default 3600), not required;"proxy-list-format"
- (Format for proxy list output), not required;"proxy-list-network"
- (IP, subnet, or list separated by comma), not required;
"200": description: "List successfully generated"
"400": description: "Empty or wrong api_key header or wrong package key"
"422": description: "Error executing request statement"
Generate nolist api-tool for package{packagekey}/api-tool
Generate nolist api-tool for package
Parameters in header:
- (User-reseller's API key), required;
Parameters in path:
- (Key of the package), required;
Parameters in body:
- (Name for proxy list), required;"proxy-list-login"
- (Login for proxy list), required;
"200": description: "List successfully generated"
"400": description: "Empty or wrong api_key header or wrong package key"
"422": description: "Error executing request statement"
All proxylists for the package{packagekey}/lists
- Method:
- Summary:
All proxylists for the package
- Parameters in header:
- (User-reseller's API key), required;
- Parameters in path:
- (Key of the package), required;
- Responses:
"200": description: "Lists found"
"403": description: "Empty or wrong api_key header or wrong package key"
Show all proxies in proxylist for package{packagekey}/viewlist
- Method:
- Summary:
Show all proxies in proxylist for package
- Parameters in header:
- (User-reseller's API key), required;
- Parameters in path:
- (Key of the package), required;
- Parameters in body:
- (ID of proxy list), required;"name"
- (Name of proxy list), required;
- Responses:
"200": array of proxies in list
"403": description: "Empty or wrong api_key header or wrong package key"
"422": description: "Error executing request statement"
Remove proxylist for package{packagekey}/removelist
- Method:
- Summary:
Remove proxylist for package
- Parameters in header:
- (User-reseller's API key), required;
- Parameters in path:
- (Key of the package), required;
- Parameters in body:
- (ID of proxy list), required;"name"
- (Name of proxy list), required;
- Responses:
"200": description: "List successfully removed"
"403": description: "Empty or wrong api_key header or wrong package key"
"422": description: "Error executing request statement"